Jerry Coviello
Jerry learned to tie flies before he learned to fly fish. He found that learning what he tied made it easy to understand what the fish were eating. Jerry won his first fly tying contest in 1990 at the World Fishing and Outdoor Show in Suffern NY. In 1991, Jerry founded the Bucks County Chapter of Trout Unlimited and was the president for 4 years. He is the editor and creates videos for the Fly Tying Group’s Facebook page and teaches fly tying at a local fly shop in Bucks County PA. Jerry is a Fly Tying Demonstrator and demonstrates his skills at local fishing clubs, the International Fly Tying Symposium in Somerset NJ and the IFFF Fly Fishing Fair in Livingston MT. Jerry is a life member of the International Federation of Fly Fishers, Trout Unlimited, and the IFFF Fly Tying Group. He is serving on the IFFF Fly Tying Group’s Board of Governors as Vice Chairman and a Fly Tying Award Evaluator, and Fly Tying Field Editor for FlyFisher Magazine. He is also a member of the Dyna-king Pro Team